move every day

Two years ago I found myself creating an Instagram account. I held out for a while but when I finally caved I began thinking about what kind of message I wanted to portray to my followers.  I started hash tagging everything with #movedaily . Now, my instagram account will likely never be spectacular, in fact that doesn’t really matter to me much, but I really found that I was starting to resonate with that phrase! I started tagging everything with that phrase and  saying it to my clients on a regular basis.  It must have started to sink in a little when a couple of ladies made me a shirt with #movedaily on the front.

Taking these MED’s is something you will never regret. Yes, at times it can be as tedious as remembering to take your vitamins/medications regularly, but the benefits that you will receive from being consistent, will increase your health exponentially.

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

If nothing else, move daily.