How can exercise benefit your life? Let me count the ways! Well, I’ll give you 2 good ones:

Let’s start off with the #1 most important reason why it is imperative that you include exercise in your life: Without exercise…you will decay!

Endless calories and lack of exercise signal your body to start shutting down.

Your body tissues and neural circuits are always trying to decay, trying to melt…like icecream cones in the sun. The good news is that the decay signals, though constant, are weak. If you don’t send any signals to grow, decay will win. But even a modest signal to grow (that’s important here – a decent workout, a good stiff walk) will drown out the noise. You need to DO something every day to tell your body it’s springtime!

I am not a green thumb, but this year I thought I would try and grow some basil! I mean, how hard could it be? I did really well all summer long keeping that plant alive and then at the end of August we went away for 5 days and I forgot to have someone water it. When we returned home, everything about the basil plant had wilted, shriveled up. I ran to get a pitcher  of water and dumped it on the dying plant, hoping it wasn’t too late. I was completely surprised to see it looking full and alive the next day!

It just needed me to ATTEND to it.

Decay is dry rot, caused by our modern, sedentary lifestyle.

Decay is not biological aging. Decay comes from turning on the tv when the sun’s out. From cracking the beer while you watch it. From every drive to that fast-food place to get an order of super-sized fries and soda. From riding around the golf course in a cart. From sitting home alone.

Aging is up to nature, but I want you to hear this: decay is optional.

–Chris Crowley – Younger Next Year.

You see, most functional aging is optional. Of course there’s a biology of aging that will happen regardless. Sorry folks…but you’re going to look old no matter what.

You can live longer and live younger if you make a choice to put yourself on the list, regardless of circumstance. Not only will it increase your circulation, which decreases your disease and decay, but the #2 reason is that it can increase your PRODUCTIVITY!

I’ll close by posting this lovely little video by Dr. Mike Evans titled, Increasing Your Producivity With Exercise. In it he includes a number of scientific studies that PROVE how exercise makes you more productive!

Well there you have it. Of course there are many many more benefits to exercising but living longer and increasing your productivity is plenty to start with for today.
