move daily
move daily


I think what we have here is a little problem.

Five years ago I bought a pair of stilettos to take with me on a girlfriend’s trip to Las Vegas. They were strappy and sexy and the highest heels I’d ever owned. It was our first night there and of course I had to wear the shoes. I’m certain that every woman reading this blog has experienced the same fate of new heels at one point or another, but needless to say, 1 hour into the evening I could feel my feet starting to develop blisters. Regardless, the shoe makes the outfit and so I persevered. Now, I could have gone back to the room to change shoes, I could have stopped and bought some flip flops, I could have even taken them off and gone barefoot (not recommended on those streets), but I didn’t. I walked and danced for another 5 hours in the shoes and by the time I removed them at the end of our evening, the blisters on my feet were the size of quarters! That decision left me in tremendous agony the rest of  weekend.

So here’s what I learned :

Sometimes it’s the culmination of many factors that can cause a negative result

If I had taken some time to break the shoes in before my trip, perhaps my feet wouldn’t have blistered. Or, if I had changed my shoes when I felt pain, I would have avoided the blisters there too. It was all of my poor choices compounding together to create the painful aftermath of a night in Vegas. 

Our choices surrounding our health can be similarThe problem is that we think we can get away with not exercising, overeating, drinking excess alcohol, eating high fat and high sugar foods and drinks, and being sedentary. The truth is, for a long time we can get away with it! Depending on our genetics, one could possibly go years without experiencing the ill effects of some of these things. Others of us aren’t so lucky. At some point, it catches up. At any moment in time, similar to relationships, we are either adding to or subtracting from our health. Every choice we make (moving daily, watching tv, taking the stairs, gaming, eating salad, going to a buffet) has a direct repercussion on our bodies. 

The concerning part comes when we  make choices that decline our health more frequently than we make choices to elevate our health. Or still more concerning, is when we have a health issue and we continue to make poor choices, but then band aid the fallout with medication! Stop doing that. We are not invincible, rather quite the opposite.


The concerning part comes when we  make choices that decline our health more frequently than we make choices to elevate our health.


health is a glass ball


When it comes to our health, we must treat it like a glass ball. What happens when you drop a glass ball?


So where do we go from here? Start thinking about it. Be mindful that all decisions influence our health. I’m certainly not saying that we can never indulge in a treat, or take time off from exercise when we need to. But when we choose those things MORE than we choose a healthy lifestyle, it is bound to bring some “blisters” that we might just not recover from. 


For help with motivation to move daily, please contact me.