

Attempting to lose weight can feel like a battle at times. We can be crystal clear about what we want our body to look like and where we want the scale to be, but when faced with the challenge of exercise or saying no to food temptations, we collapse like a Jenga tower after one wrong move. 

Our determination can be so set on weight loss that we have even prepared our meals, laid out our workout clothes and bought a gym membership! But then we receive a negative email at work, a friend questions our integrity and our 16 year old breaks our heart with his careless words and now all we want to do is fill our faces and wash it down with a bottle of wine.

I get it. I’ve been there, I am there. All I can say is thank God that today is an opportunity to learn about myself a little more and that tomorrow is a new day to try my new skills. From my actions I can see that when I`m lonely or bored I eat.  When I`m anxious or afraid, I starve. When I`m happy or joyful, I`m balanced. That being said, I experience all of these emotions all week long. So in my week, I eat, I starve and I`m balanced. That doesn`t even make sense! And yet, that`s my life.

Tomorrow, however, I can try to have a little more compassion for the parts of me that I don`t quite understand yet. Tomorrow I can welcome myself and my whirlwind of emotions. Tomorrow I can try again to remember my profound reason for wanting to be healthy. Tomorrow is a new day, don`t be afraid to start again.


I`d love to hear your comments below if this is something that you struggle with too! Let me know what helps you to dust yourself off and to start again.