Two Birds, One Stone.



You were made for connection.

Even if you are an introvert at heart, and you refuel by being alone, your longing to know someone and to be known is an innate part of being human. Brene Brown writes that connection is the “energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship”. 

Some of my deepest connections have been cultivated while exercising! A walk with a friend, marathon training with a group, or snowshoeing down the hill with a neighbor are all opportunities you can take to strengthen your relationships.

It’s so organic how it happens. 

You start out with some light-hearted conversation and 4 kilometers later you’re exploring deep seeded longings, hopes and dreams! 

I had a client tell me once that the only way that she could fit in time spent with friends was to book it in at the same time she planned to exercise.  I think that’s a fabulous idea. 

Two birds. One stone.

And a huge double benefit. Not only do you get your daily movement in for your physical health, you get to nourish your connections and strengthen your friendships. Win-win.

This Week’s Challenge: Call up a friend, go for a walk, book a fitness class, take a hike, go to yoga or whatever you desire. Life is busy, so why not maximize your time and derive the ultimate benefits?


There are only a few weeks left to sign up for our Healthy Eating Revisited Event!