Healthy Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Pumpkin season is upon us, so how about a moist, delicious Healthy Pumpkin Spice Muffin?! Absolutely!  I tried a few recipes and I wasn’t happy with the results, so I put together this recipe and it turned out really well.  I feel that when you find a recipe that tastes great and is made up […]

Baked High Protein Egg Bites

Baked Egg Bites are an excellent source of protein and very good to have on hand for a quick on-the-go breakfast.  The base of this recipe is quite simple and once you know the base, you can then add different ingredients to suit your taste.  I added spinach, sundried tomatoes, a pinch of bacon and […]

Proats! Banana & Peanut Butter Protein Oatmeal

During the winter months I often crave something warm and satisfying to start my mornings off right.  The high fiber content in this dish is incredibly beneficial as it will not only keep me regular, but also keep me fuller, longer! Eating a complex carbohydrate like a 1/2 cup of large flake oats, will give […]

Quick and Healthy Homemade Granola

My sister Dianna visited this past weekend and brought with her a few new ideas for healthy breakfasts! I usually have my go to’s: 1 egg and 1 white on a piece of Big Little bread with all natural almond butter Protein pancake -egg whites, oats, small piece of banana blended Oatmeal with protein powder […]

Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes!

It is our tradition over Thanksgiving and Christmas to crack out the pumpkin pancake recipes! Of course, our traditional recipes are full of sugar. The homemade buttermilk syrup on top is TO DIE FOR, but the recipe starts with 1 cup of refined sugar, and 1/4 cup corn syrup!  Eeeek! I watched the documentary Fed […]