
Stepping out of my comfort zone has got to be near the top of the list of things that scare me the most! However, in spite of the swarm of butterflies in my stomach, the hot flash that floods over me and burns my ears, and a heart that beats faster than a mouse, stepping out of what is comfortable to me has been the reason for some of the biggest growth in my life.

Lulu Lemon has a phrase written on their bags that says, “Do something everyday that scares you.” I love that because it is a commission to grow and to challenge ourselves. The fear is…. that it might not work! We might fail and embarrass ourselves. But you know what people say about failure don’t you?

“There is no innovation or creativity without failure. Period.” ~Brene Brown

“Successful people don’t fear failure but understand that it’s necessary to learn and grow from.” ~Robert Kiyosaki

“Courage allows the successful woman to fail – and to learn powerful lessons from the failure – so that in the end, she didn’t fail at all.” ~Maya Angelou

Today my client Sharon is taking a big leap and facing something that scares her. She will be stepping on stage in front of hundreds to be judged for her body in a figure competition. Sharon has the wind at her back though because she has prepped and planned for this moment for years. She’s not going in blind. The easier choice for her would be to do nothing, but then she would miss out on the feelings of accomplishment, pride, and the satisfaction knowing she completed something she set her mind to. 

When I asked her what she has gained from this whole process, she said that it increased her belief in herself that if she could do THIS, then she could do anything!