Why Zebra’s Don’t Get Ulcers.

Books and Lectures That Changed How I Think When someone can’t stick to a healthy eating and regular exercise routine, it’s not because they’re lazy or lack discipline and willpower. I’ve been engrossed lately in the psychology and physiology of fitness and how the two influence each other. One of the profound lessons that I […]

The Real Reason I Freaked Out

  I don’t like confrontation. I never have.  I will avoid it at all costs and do everything in my power to be seen as perfect so that there is nothing to ever confront. Earlier this winter, I was driving home from dropping my daughter off at dance.  It was dark by the time I […]

Who we are…and how we cope…is not our fault? Bingo.

    The workshop that I held recently was created to help the attendees understand the “why” behind our journey of wellness.  It was designed to answer questions like these: “Why do I get stuck?” “How come I can’t seem to make a healthy life plan stick?” “How can I understand myself and what’s going […]