Why Zebra’s Don’t Get Ulcers.

Books and Lectures That Changed How I Think When someone can’t stick to a healthy eating and regular exercise routine, it’s not because they’re lazy or lack discipline and willpower. I’ve been engrossed lately in the psychology and physiology of fitness and how the two influence each other. One of the profound lessons that I […]

The Tyranny of Perfectionism

The tyranny of perfectionism is that I want it, and I hate it. I always hated getting in trouble. Whatever I could do to ensure that I stayed away from parental scorn, I would do it. Initially, I don’t know how or why that developed, but as I began to grow up, I could see […]

The Real Reason I Freaked Out

  I don’t like confrontation. I never have.  I will avoid it at all costs and do everything in my power to be seen as perfect so that there is nothing to ever confront. Earlier this winter, I was driving home from dropping my daughter off at dance.  It was dark by the time I […]

“I Should Have Cancelled”.

I pulled up to my client’s house, hopped out of the car and rang the doorbell. “I should have cancelled”, she groaned, the moment the door opened.  Her cold had returned and she was having one of those days. We walked upstairs and I told her to hop on the treadmill to warm up.  As […]

3 Ways To Put Yourself Right At The Top Of The List

Guest Blogger: Denise Herrington It hit me a few weeks ago how negative, judgmental and critical I have been over the last few months towards myself.  I am not sure why, I am guessing it is the weather, or that’s what I am telling myself.  It has been a long Winter, and now that Spring […]

Just Keep Shoveling

I got a shovel handle right in the gut this morning. It snowed today and I have taken it upon myself to be the family shoveler. I shouldn’t, I do have 3 teenagers who could do it, but I enjoy the quiet moments outside. I love the look when it’s completed. To see the side […]

Two Birds, One Stone.

  Two Birds, One Stone.     You were made for connection. Even if you are an introvert at heart, and you refuel by being alone, your longing to know someone and to be known is an innate part of being human. Brene Brown writes that connection is the “energy that exists between people when […]

I Know I Should, So Why Don’t I?

I Know I Should, So Why Don’t I? My friend is a successful businessman who travels a great deal for work.  In 2016 he was away from home for 100+ nights. That’s almost ⅓ of a year! So when he told me that he finds it incredibly difficult to eat healthy and exercise while he’s […]

How Going On A Diet May Be The Worst New Year’s Resolution

Invariably, some of you will have already decided to go on a diet on January 1st, 2017. Before you fully commit to painstakingly weighing your food, counting calories or restricting anything delicious, please read this blog and perhaps I can convince you that there is a different and sustainable way to get your body healthy. […]

Please Don’t Quit This Year

Last year I wrote about about a client named Cocktail Cara.  She started off the year feeling lethargic and unhealthy. She contacted me in January 2016 to inquire about training and to see if I could help her go down a completely different path than she had been on. She was the gal who people […]