Why You’re Not Losing Weight

…and 3 Things You Can Do To Start Losing Weight Today. “You eat a bag of popcorn every night because it goes well with Netflix and chill.” If you are in your 40’s, 50’s and 60’s you may have noticed that your ability to lose body fat has drastically declined. It isn’t as easy as […]

Why Zebra’s Don’t Get Ulcers.

Books and Lectures That Changed How I Think When someone can’t stick to a healthy eating and regular exercise routine, it’s not because they’re lazy or lack discipline and willpower. I’ve been engrossed lately in the psychology and physiology of fitness and how the two influence each other. One of the profound lessons that I […]

What Do You Do When You Receive A Dozen Donuts As A Gift?

Back in September 2015 I hosted a challenge for my clients called Sober September. The challenge consisted of the participants giving up their “vice” for the whole month. For some people that was alcohol, for others it was refined sugar or chocolate. The challenge was meant to encourage people to give up something that they […]