I was invited to participate in a discussion with the lovely people at AM1150! It was 3 days into 2016 and so of course we covered one of New Year’s hottest topics: Resolutions! To make them or not, that is the question! Then, if I do decide to make a change toward health, how do I stick with my choice to change? Listen now to hear my thoughts! 

As heard on http://www.am1150.ca/

During the second segment, we talked about working out in your home.  You truly don’t need as much as you think! Sometimes its as little as purchasing a few weights, balls and bands.  For many people, working out in their home is ideal because it saves time driving to and from a gym. Clint talks about setting up a part of your house, away from distractions, that feels like a comfortable place to work out. If the space feels functional, you will be more apt to workout there regularly! Motivation to workout is high right now, due to the New Year and people wanting to get healthy.  That motivation won’t always be there, so when it fades, rely on structure!


If you have set some New Year’s resolutions to improve your health, but need some coaching on how to get there, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Remember, if nothing else….move daily.